You can make a difference today. It starts with believing things can change.
It´s simple to make a donation. Our online donation form is secure, easy to use and only takes a few minutes to complete. You are also welcome to give to the UK Shaolin Temple by post, phone or bank transfer.
Single Donation
Regular Donations
Donate By Bank Transfer
For Bank transfers, please contact us to request our bank details. For future bank transfers, please notify the UK Shaolin Temple in advance of your transaction so that when the gift arrives, we can properly record your gift and your generosity in our records. Following all donations by bank transfer, you will receive a letter confirming your tax-deductible gift.
How We Will Spend Your Donation
By making a donation today you can help us to spread the wisdom of the Shaolin Culture and secure its place in this world, so that future generations can experience them in their purest form. No matter how big or small your donation is, every penny contributes to our cause.
You could give us the means to support ourselves now and in the future by building our temple or setting up a better facilities to help more people who is needed. Please give today.
We will make sure that we spend your donations as efficiently as possible. For every £1 you give, 70p is spent on the teaching and vital research, 15p on development work, 11p on support and running cost, 4p fundraising and campaign.